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What are your gatherings like?
Every Sunday you’ll find a welcoming and friendly atmosphere with exciting, contemporary worship music and practical, relevant messages. Wednesdays we focus on growing as followers of Jesus. You’ll receive message notes that will help you make the most of each week’s teaching. Wednesdays are also when Collective Students 6-12th graders meet and grow in their faith. In cKidz, children ages 6 months to 6th grade are well-cared for and taught to be followers of Jesus in our quality nursery and fun-filled upbeat gatherings.
I would like to get baptized. How and when can I do that?
Congratulations! We are ready to celebrate with you as you go public with your faith. We have water baptisms every first Sunday of the month during our gathering. Register HERE or visit the Information Desk in the lobby and they will be ready to help you! Our Baptism Team will have everything you need, including a change of clothes!
What will happen when I visit for the first time?
We are excited to have you as our guest! We will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or call you out publicly. Come in, enjoy the friendly atmosphere, grab some coffee, and see if this is the church for you!
What do I wear to attend your gatherings?
Come to Collective wearing what's comfortable for you. Collective isn't about what you look like or what you wear. We want you to join us exactly the way you are! You'll find everything from casual clothes to business casual at our weekly gatherings.
How can I meet others and get connected?
There are many ways to get involved. A great place to start is by visiting the pastoral staff & leaders in the Commons area outside after the Sunday Gatherings or meeting people in the lobby. Our Information Desk can help you find a small group or join a Serve Team. Also we encourage you to complete our Rooted course https://mycollectivechurch.com/rooted to learn all about Collective and become a member!
How can I grow and be discipled?
We desire that people everywhere would give their life to Jesus, be made new by Jesus, grow to become like Jesus and then do what Jesus did. We want to see every person who calls Collective home grow in their faith, find people to do life with, live beyond themselves and grow in their leadership. In Rooted, you will learn about 4 simple next steps for connection, involvement and growth at Collective.
1. Give My Life To Jesus
2. Be Made New By Jesus
3. Become Like Jesus
4. Do What Jesus Did
How can I start serving?
Fill out a Connection Card and get ready for Rooted! Rooted exists to help you discover your purpose and live the full life God created for you. Rooted is a simple process which will guide you through our mission and purpose as a church - to come together with one heart to be devoted to and serve Jesus! Click here to request more information about the Serve Team!